Live Your Best Life — Let Us Help

We’re here for your financial well-being; we’re people helping people.

Women smiling and relaxing in a hammock reading a travel guide book

Did you know your relationship with UW Credit Union can be more than transactional? We have approachable, friendly and knowledgeable staff ready to meet with you and talk about anything to support a more financially savvy life.

What are some ways financial specialists can help you?

Our staff are available to support you in your financial planning, beyond the traditional role of assisting with deposits, withdrawals and balance checks. You can meet with one of our specialists in a branch or chat over the phone about:

  • Savings products that help your money grow
  • Deeper discounts on auto loan rates
  • Finding the best checking account package for you

Uncovering unexpected savings

Taking time to explore your finances with one of our experts is the biggest gift of self-care you can give yourself. While you could spend time browsing our website to create a patchwork of products that benefits you best, our financial specialists are experts in our products and can you save you time and money.

We’d like you to keep more of your money. Wouldn’t you?

How do you meet with a financial specialist?

Simply stop into a branch, call us as 800-533-6773, or schedule an appointment.

If you have some financial goals in mind, have those ready to share. And we’ll go from there. We’re here to support you in your financial well-being.


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